the most important decisions in life

Well, one commentator on youth culture recently stated that most individuals make these decisions between the ages of 15-23. Think about it: normally people graduate high school, choose a college, create habits that determine their lifestyle, and choose a spouse...

christian parenting in a digital age

Dr. Al Mohler talks about the challenges to parents in an age where the internet is a useful tool, but also a great danger in the lives of those who use it. To download this audio file, right-click on the link below and select “Save Target As…” Are...

current challenges in youth ministry

This is an audio broadcast of “The Albert Mohler Program,” which is a daily radio broadcast hosted by Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. This audio broadcast provides a great definition of what it means to have a biblical...

a christian response to “cutting”

Have you ever heard of “cutting?” It is a phenomenon among many teenagers and young adults that you need to be aware of. This broadcast of “The Albert Mohler Program” discusses motivations for cutting as well as warning signs and solutions to this amazing...

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